You should receive a calendar invite for each day of the 5-Day Challenge starting Monday, June 12th at 5 pm UK / Noon EST. Make sure to download your workbook for the event in your confirmation email, and see below for a surprise...


Share the event for a chance to win a Free Scholarship to LAUNCH, our Premier Coaching Program!

Share the 5-Day Challenge on your socials so your network can "Grow Their Coaching Businesses Online" too, and you'll automatically be entered for a chance to win a scholarship to LAUNCH, our best-in-class training program for coaches who want to get more clients and create more impact.

Simply share the event on your socials to enter:

This will take you 5 seconds!
Even you LAUNCH Alumni can give the scholarship to a friend in mind.

The more socials you share to, the more chances you have to win. The winner will be chosen randomly on the last day of the 5-Day Challenge. 😎

What is the LAUNCH program by High-Performing Coach?

The goal of Lauch, our premier program, is to help coaches achieve consistent 5-figure months in just 90 days. Whether coaches are starting out or just feeling stuck trying to get more clients, Launch teaches them how to grow their business online without all the tech and sales and marketing tactics.

Our process is made for coaches, by coaches. Students get to work with our coaches in both 1:1 and group formats throughout the 90 days of the program, as we guide them through our step-by-step process to grow their businesses.

Learn how we do it by watching the video below:

Here's what our LAUNCH alumni have to say... 😍

Win a Scholarship to our Launch Program

Share your registration for the "Grow Your Coaching Business Online" 5-Day Challenge with your network, and you'll be automatically entered to win a scholarship for our 90-day coaching program to help you produce consistent, 5-figure months in your business by "Serving, Not Selling."